The Looking Glass - Part One
In order to give people a better idea of our experiences, how we do what we do, and who we are, Margo and I decided to take turns sharing anecdotes and offering readings to audience members. I, Iris, am the focus in Part One.
There are many accurate names for what I do, yet I always discounted my abilities thinking others must be better because they seemed so secure in titling themselves. I guess I thought there must be some sort of ranking system, or a rite of passage. How does one become a known psychic, seer, medium, or clairvoyant? What I’ve learned on my journey is, titles are not necessarily earned, nor do they empower the namesake. I do what I do, and I have found I am pretty accurate. In conversation, I’ll say, “I do my woo-woo thing,” and people understand. And that’s all I really want - is to be understood. There’s no tricks, no games, just communication.