In Greek mythology, Iris was a messenger of the gods, and she used a rainbow to carry her between them and the earthly realm.
Communication is also a forte' for this contemporary Iris. Whether someone needs professional writing for business, purposes, seeks content editing, or wants guidance and healing in personal matters, Iris provides attention to detail while serving each customer with honor and respect.
“I have seen Iris give information during her readings that she could not have possibly known ....”
Finding a penchant for writing in her early school years, Iris went on to earn her bachelor's degree in English with a minor in communication and later earned a master's degree in education. In addition to working as a news writer, photographer, and editor, she has contributed to other publications, and created newsletters for several organizations. She worked with Array Magazine, contributing as a writer, editor, and graphic artist doing design and layout for the monthly publication.
As an educator, Iris has worked as an adjunct faculty member in the humanities department of Rockingham Community College since January 2009. Courses taught include developmental English classes focusing on grammar and composition. In 2009, she was awarded the honor of being chosen "Part-Time Instructor of the Year."
Iris also has more than 30 years of experience in organizing and promoting events. She spoke at the NC/SC Conference of festival organizers, sharing her knowledge of obtaining and retaining volunteers. In 2010, Iris has became the city producer for the Greensboro 48 Hour Film Project, an annual competition associated with the international 48HFP and continued in that role until 2022.
On a more personal note, Iris also has had experiences that began when she was a young child and met her guardian angels, leading her on a path to becoming a certified ThetaHealer®.
Someone needing help with a resumé, writing web content, marketing, or wanting to discover more about how his or her beliefs can cause physical and interpersonal difficulties will find Iris is ready to assist.
Last year my aging dog, Arthur, had a persistent cough. Iris did a reading on him and she felt it was his trachea causing the issue. As a “by the way,” she asked about a hike we had taken him on four years prior. It was a hike that my husband and I had long forgotten about, but Iris described the setting perfectly so I could immediately recall it. She explained how Arthur, who was a small dog, loved that day because he was able to climb on rocks and be taller than us. She was able to give other insights on his thinking that helped us to care for him during his final months. Upon a visit to the veterinarian, an x-ray was taken of Arthur's heart. The diagnosis - his heart was enlarged, pushing his trachea forward, causing his persistent cough! After we took Arthur for his final vet visit, I contacted Iris and asked her to check on him. She gave me great comfort in letting me know that he understood the cycle of life, was grateful for his time with us, and was well cared for. I have seen Iris give information during her readings that she could not have possibly known from any other outside sources (like that hike)! - D.L.
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