Iris Carter

Writer - Editor - Healer - Intuitive

Paranormal Paranoia

Fear serves a purpose in keeping humans safe and alert to dangers. Being in constant fear, however, can be stressful on the body with excessive adrenaline, lack of sleep, nervousness, and many other very physical side effects. We took time to look at fear a little more closely, offer tips in addressing fear, and look at what scares people, especially in paranormal circumstances.


Calling All Angels

Kim Peters McAllister has been talking with angels all her life, and offers professional readings. Personally, I have found her readings to be accurate, consistent, and comforting. In this episode, she shared insights and experiences. Enjoy the podcast, and then, visit her website at !

Originally aired 11/25/2020

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Spiritual Practices in Daily Living

When a listener asked Margo and I what our own spiritual practices were like in daily living, we decided this would be an excellent topic for one of our podcasts.

Many of us have grown up with families that followed a particular religion, attended church, temple, or other site one or more times a week, and followed the various tenets and services we were taught. As we seek an alternative, or recognize there is more than the punch card style of worship. (Free gas with five punches, anyone?)

Religious faith and spirituality is not a competition. No one is keeping score and ranking the style and execution of dogmatic procedures. Perhaps, if more people recognized the similarities among religions rather than focusing on the differences, we would have more peace in this world.

Episode Aired: 11/18/2020


Spelling: Modern manipulations Part I


For a topic this broad, we broke it down into two podcasts. In Part One, we looked at what “spelling” is. Just looking into the history of the word and its uses was fascinating. We spell words by breaking them down. The perfect combination of letters makes a word that projects messages. Our words are powerful and can create emotions, call people to action, offer warnings, blessings, convictions, and pardons.

People often don’t recognize the power words have. We take commercials, propaganda, chants, and songs for granted. Put to rhythm, words can encourage victory at a ball game. When repeated, we can invoke a riot or call for peace.

People will watch an infant be baptized, sprinkled with Holy water while a priest chants, believing the soul is forever saved and under God’s watchful eye. Yet the same people find it hard to believe that someone could put energy forth with words, and create a frenzied crowd. Riots have been started with less. Groups gather, march, and chant. The chants create a sense of indignity and oppression turning into rage. People start yelling in anger, provoking others to join in, and suddenly, someone breaks a window. Looting, fires, and fights begin. The police come in, and suddenly it’s all out war between people who had been calm and collected that morning and officers who were sent to ensure safety of all.

Who is doing the manipulating? Who is sending the message? And most importantly, how are you receiving the messages you get? Do you even recognize when you are being manipulated?

Original Air Date: 11/04/2020