Trigger: A wild, angry ride
Roy Roger's horse was tamed, but now that everyone gets triggered, there's a whole rodeo built on angry impulses. We're taking back the corral and shoveling out the manure. What spurs you on and chaps you? How do you handle it? Who is provoked and who is provoking? There's plenty of pasture to explore and we'll wrangle a few steer. Oh, and watch out for the cow pies!
The amount of vitriol spewed on social media is disturbing and only seems to get worse. People are refusing to listen to alternate opinions, blame each other for all the ills in the world, and fail to take responsibility for their own actions. Anyone can be triggered by something they see posted, whether it’s political, opinionated, or otherwise hits a nerve that causes one to stir up personal emotional associations with the topic.
During this time of enlightenment and ascension, the people of the world need to focus on caring about each other rather than tearing each other down. Before riding off on a wild horse pulling about a topic that ultimately will decay and fall away, reevaluate the load. For more insights into handling anger, responding to others, and taking care of yourself, please listen to the podcast which can also be viewed on YouTube at Or visit our Facebook page at