Special Guest Tony Rodrigues
Margo and I heard Tony Rodrigues speak at the Journey to Truth conference in Grafton, Illinois in May. Like other speakers at the event, he was accessible, joined the crowd at fire circles, attended other talks, and was willing to speak with anyone.
I purchased a copy of his book Ceres Colony Cavalier, which he autographed, and I asked him if he would be interested or willing to be on our podcast. This man has been on podcasts with much larger audiences and was used to talking to people like Dr. Michael Salla, Tyler Kiwala, Aaron Kuhn, and other big names in the disclosure realm. Instead of scoffing, Tony graciously accepted the invitation and told me to email with details.
As I read his book, I realize that there was a time in my life where I may have been skeptical about his story. Now, knowing what I do, having the experiences I have had, and understanding that there is far more possible than we can ever imagine, I have no doubt his accounts are true. In addition, he has been able to corroborate details of his experience with facts. How can a man who has never been to Peru describe all the tiny details of a village and later find it on Google Earth? How did he know that the white spot on Ceres is residue from a salt water geyser before NASA confirmed it through space craft reconnaissance?
In this episode of Eyes of Indigo, rather than have him recount his experiences which are already written in detail, we talked about government and corporate culpability in abductions, levels of ET intelligence, humanity’s place on a galactic spectrum, and other exopolitical insights.
Listen to the podcast or watch the recording on our YouTube playlist. Tony has just released a second book, Project Starmaker, which is a sequel to Ceres Colony Cavalier.