Living with Miracles
From a very young age, I knew there was more beyond this world. I knew that God existed beyond conventional text and was more than the restricted images interpreted through stories. Looking back over the years, I recognize the various steps that led me to where I am now, so much so, that I am recognizing experiences that approach, knowing they , too, will take me to new levels.
One huge step that has helped me tie together loose ends and gain better insights was ThetaHealing© coursework and becoming a practitioner. Every day, I connect with the Creator of All That Is. I feel the energy from the Earth, and I accept the pure love from Creator.
I also recognize the people that Creator brings into my life, and often we’re just crossing paths. I work part time for a local community college and have taught traditional curriculum courses as well as continuing education courses. Recently a person came to my Job Seekers lab where I help people with all things related to job search, including resume writing, interview skills, and job search tactics. This particular person I’ll call Frankie to be deliberately ambiguous. Frankie is over 40, and rarely makes eye contact. Nervous and self-depreciating, Frankie admitted there was similar behavior among other family members also riddled with bad luck. Every thought expressed seemed ladened with self-doubt and conspiracy.
I had other students in class and tended to their needs as asked, but every time I addressed Frankie, I felt like I was in a tunnel, focused on the energy that seemed so in need of attention. I asked Creator, “What do I say? Show me what to do.” I knew this person had been brought to my path for a purpose. It’s at such moments that I get my consciousness out of the way, and let things flow. I listened and heard more words of fear and trepidation. Then, the conversation turned at one point, when Frankie told me of a recent dream.
“I went to a place where people knew all the answers,” said Frankie. “And they were so kind. They answered all my questions.” Immediately, Frankie’s face changed. I could see wonderment and joy. Frankie said, “But I can’t remember any of the answers.”
I smiled, and concurred that was often the case of dreams.
“The answers aren’t always what is important,” I said. “Sometimes, it’s the feeling we are given that is important.” Frankie nodded. “So you remember how you felt when you were there?” I asked.
Frankie smiled and nodded again.
“So, what if you accepted the gift you were given and allowed yourself to bring those feelings back here with you? Give yourself permission to enjoy those feelings and recognize you can have them with you always.” I was merely an intermediary presenting a message.
Frankie’s face became brighter, recognizing the words I had just spoken. “Thank you,” Frankie said. “Thank you for that.”
I may or may not see Frankie again, but at that moment, I knew I had witnessed a miracle. It wasn’t the first, and it won’t be the last.